
By making a donation, you will directly contribute to the conservation and restoration of rivers and help us connect communities with nature.

We recieve funding from a range of sources for which we are deeply grateful. However, such funding primarily covers project costs and often does not cover the full cost of running the organisation. Thus, additional funds from supporters like you are hugely beneficial in enabling us to continue our vital work in safegaurding the Thame and its wildlife and ensuring peoples' ongoing enjoyment of it.

£5 a month will help us work with local communities to improve our rivers

£10 a month will help us inspire others to take action for rivers

£20 a month will help us create, restore and protect important habitats

Please consider becoming a monthly supporter. Regular donations help us protect rivers by supporting the Trust's sustainability and in turn our ability to delivery projects now and in the future.

Your generous support is immensely appreciated. We encourage you to sign up for and explore our quarterly newsetter, where you can witness the impact your donations have in helping us achieve our goals. Thank you once again for your invaluable support!

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Our newsletter is released on a quarterly basis and covers all the latest watery related news happening in the catchment.

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We will hold your data in accordance with GDPR law and data will never be passed onto a third party without your prior permission.

Read past issues of our newsletter here.