Nature Inspires Sustainable Solutions to Flooding in Buckingham

November 16, 2020

The River Thame Conservation Trust is working with Buckinghamshire Council to deliver Natural Flood Management (NFM) schemes to reduce the flood risk in Buckingham. This NFM project is being delivered over the next 2 years. We are currently searching for landowners across the Upper Ouse area (shown below) who would like to work with us and host NFM features on their land.

By restoring natural processes, Natural Flood Management addresses flood risk whilst providing multiple benefits to the environment such as helping biodiversity, reducing pollution and reducing soil and sediment loss.

NFM works by creating and restoring natural landscape features to slow the flow of water over land. This gives water more time to infiltrate which increases the amount of water stored in the ground. NFM can come in many forms such as leaky woody dams in streams, ponds in or at the corner of fields, or areas of woodlands and many others. These can be made to suit many different land types.

NFM not only helps flood risk – it provides benefits to the wider environment too. By increasing infiltration, soils and plants absorb pollutants when water passes through them. Slower water helps reduce erosion and soil and sediment losses. These both help to improve water quality in streams and rivers. The NFM measures themselves also create new wetland habitats which help to support wildlife and improve biodiversity.

NFM is a recognised technique and is now integrated into the DEFRA agencies delivery of environmental stewardship grants e.g. Natural England Countryside Stewardship and Forestry Commission English Woodland Grant Scheme. The new Environmental Land Management Scheme (ELMs) is likely to reward holding water on your land – so getting involved in Natural Flood Management now could pay off later!

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