Rivers Week 2022

January 11, 2023

In September, we launched our very first Rivers Week 2022, a weeklong series of community-run events culminating on World Rivers Day (25th September) to create awareness and appreciation of our rivers and streams by bringing together communities across the catchment. Here’s a round-up of all the fantastic events that took place.

Eythrope Wetlands Walk
Our Trustee Nick Marriner, Chief Exec David Fraser, and Waddesdon Estate’s Head of Sustainability and Conservation Chris Leech, led a guided tour of the wetlands at Eythrope which were constructed by RTCT in 2020.

Chiltern Rangers Litter Pick
17 volunteers collected 50 bin bags of rubbish out of the River Wye in 4 locations throughout High Wycombe.

Soil Health Event for Local Land Managers
Catchment Sensitive Farming officers Chloe & George held an evening of talks for local farmers and landowners. We heard from expert representatives from Cotswold Seeds and Edaphos Limited about the establishment and maintenance of Herbal Leys, their benefits in the farming system and their applications within Countryside Stewardship and the new Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI).

Watlington PlasticBlitz
15 volunteers took part in the litter pick across two areas of the Chalgrove Brook as it runs through Watlington. The volunteers filled 8 bags of litter and reported their results on Thames21’s Plasticblitz dashboard. This project collects data on the most common plastic items found across the Thames basin which can then be used to educate groups, create publicity and lobby businesses.

Sustainable Wheatley Riverfly Demo
Members of Sustainable Wheatley, who have been long-time participants in RTCT’s Riverfly Hub, held a stall in front of the Merry Bells hall to showcase to the public the many fascinating creatures that live in our rivers.

Hurst Water Meadow Trust Guided Walk
Trustees and Officers of the Hurst Water Meadow Trust led members of the public on a 2 mile walk looking at the wildlife, history and management of Dorchester’s water meadows.

Shabbington Nature Network End of Summer Splash
Members of the local group led a walk along the River Thame to explore and enjoy the wildlife in Shabbington. After the walk, everyone gathered at the Old Fisherman pub to discuss ideas for improving the river and potentially campaigning for bathing water status for this popular swimming spot.

Risborough Water Courses Walk
Risborough Environmental Group led an 11 Km circular walk touring their Riverfly monitoring locations to enjoy the local flora and fauna and litter picking as they went.

Thank you to everyone who participated and made this celebration a massive success!

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