Local Artists Display Art at Local Farm to Celebrate the River Thame

Chels Hothem
April 24, 2017
July 11, 2022

Local artists, Derek Witchell, Alicia Howard, Lindsey Kennedy, Gillian Nicholls, and Doug Kennedy exhibited their work on 18 June 2022 at a local organic farm, Manor Farm, Chearsley, to raise funds for the charity River Thame Conservation Trust. The exhibition was open to the general public and featured photographs and paintings for sale, children’s book signing, hands-on art activity for children, and guided river walks along the Thame.

When asked why the River Thame needs more public awareness and protection, photographer Doug Kennedy said:

“The River Thame flows through lovely countryside from above Aylesbury, through Thame and on to its confluence with the Thames at Dorchester. It has been badly abused, particularly by sewage pollution which killed much of its fish and other wildlife, but is now in recovery. Led by the River Thame Conservation Trust, a remarkable turn-around is being achieved, but there is much still to be done which needs community involvement and your support and participation in improvement projects and holding the authorities to account. So I hope that people living along the River Thame, from Aylesbury through Thame to the confluence at Dorchester will support the River Thame Conservation Trust and learn more about their river by coming to (the event on June 18th)”

When asked how the river inspires her art Gillian Nicholls said:

“The River Thame and its glorious twisted willow trees have been a never ending source of inspiration for my painting. I love colour and texture and the river in all its different moods and seasons provides this in abundance. Sometimes a flash of turquoise and orange can be seen heralding the presence of my favourite bird, making my heart sing. We are so privileged to have access to such beauty and joy.”

When asked why he enjoys painting the River Thame, Derek Witchell said “I love to try to capture the play of light and shadow from the trees on the water.”

The River Thame Conservation Trust would like to thank everyone who attended the event, donated to the Trust, and purchased art. We hope that this event has inspired adults and children alike to appreciate their local waterways and get involved in the work the Trust is doing to protect and restore these precious freshwater habitats.

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